Resources for IOAPA Computer Science courses

Mentors of Iowa Online AP Academy’s (IOAPA) computer science (CS) courses have slightly different tasks than those required for mentoring other courses. This is due to Project STEM being a curriculum provider as opposed to an online school. More information about our CS courses and the role of mentors in Project STEM can be found here. However, Project STEM provides a wealth of resources to students and mentors that are helpful for navigating this role.

Getting Started

  • At the beginning of the year, you will receive an email from a member of the IOAPA team with specifics for mentoring Project STEM courses. This will include information such as a suggested timeline of due dates, the opportunity to set up an orientation, and reminders of points of contact.
  • You should also receive an email from the support team at Project STEM with a specific list of resources at the start of the year.

During the Semester

  • Student and Teacher forums provide access to a team of teaching assistants available 7 days a week to provide students a space to ask questions about coursework and answer mentor’s questions about facilitating courses.
  • Project STEM’s Help Center page provides a wealth of detailed guides for most tasks that students and mentors will run into, including (but not limited to): account setup, accessing the forums, and completing the AP Course Audit.
  • The Teacher Resource Sidebar within Canvas provides mentors with information such as syllabi, pacing guides (anticipated time need to complete assignments), and explanations for the few scored tasks in AP CS Principles.

Technical Support & Administrative Support

  • is available for technical support. The initial email from Project STEM sent at the beginning of the year also includes the direct contact person at Project STEM for IOAPA mentors.
  • Additionally, feel free to reach out to us at with any other questions that may arise.

Looking to go a step further?

  • IOAPA mentors also have access to Project STEM’s Professional Development Courses. In addition to information about using Canvas, they also provide training for mentors who might be interested in learning more about the curriculum and teaching computer science courses.

Iowa Online AP Academy (IOAPA) is a partnership between the Belin-Blank Center and the State of Iowa to provide free access to 30 advanced online courses for Iowa students. This program is for Iowa students who would otherwise be unable to find these courses offered in their school district and therefore reduces geographic and resource-related barriers to success. IOAPA classes include Advanced Placement® courses for high school students as well as high school-level courses for eligible middle school students. Keep an eye out for our next blog post for more information about fall enrollment.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us at with any questions.

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