Tips for Success in Online Courses

Taking an online course can be an exciting opportunity to learn, grow, and acquire new skills. However, it can also introduce difficulties that may be new for some students, as it can be more self-paced than traditional coursework. Whether you’re preparing for more advanced courses in high school and college or enhancing your career prospects, these strategies will help you make the most of your online learning experience.

1. Set Up a Dedicated Workspace

Creating a conducive study environment is crucial. It can also help your brain get into “learning mode”. Designate a quiet, clutter-free space where you can focus on your coursework. Here’s how:

  • Choose Your Spot: Find a spot with minimal distractions. When at school, work with your mentor to determine the best space for you to work during the dedicated IOAPA time in your schedule. When working on homework, this could be a desk, a table, or even a corner of your living room.
  • Organize Your Tools: Gather all the essentials—laptop, notebooks, pens, and any other materials you’ll need. Having everything within reach reduces interruptions. Tip: If you find you get distracted whenever you sit down, keep a piece of paper and jot down the other tasks that come to mind. They will still be there when you’re done with your assignment.

2. Create a Realistic Homework Schedule

Online courses require self-discipline because you might not necessarily have a teacher around to remind you of upcoming or missing assignments. Craft a personalized study schedule that aligns with your daily routine:

  • Time Management: Make sure there is IOAPA time in your course schedule. This is an entire course and requires just as much time as any other. Allocate specific hours each day for homework. This includes time to complete assignments and readings. Stick to this schedule consistently.
  • Be realistic: Be realistic about how much time you need. If being consistent is difficult, it might be time to step back and determine if another time would be better. If you are consistently running out of time, consider adding additional time into your schedule.

3. Stay Organized

Keeping track of assignments and deadlines is essential. Work can pile up quickly so staying on top of it can make for a less stressful end to your semester. Use these organizational tools:

  • Planners (Digital or Physical): Explore apps or online tools that help you manage tasks, due dates, and reminders. If you prefer writing things down, invest in a good old-fashioned planner.
  • Todo List: Knowing exactly what you need to accomplish in a study session can keep you on target and checking off items as you finish them can feel satisfying.

4. Engage in Class Discussions

Online courses often have discussion forums where you can connect with classmates and instructors. Here’s why participation matters:

  • Learning from Peers: Engage in discussions to gain different perspectives and insights. Seeing material rephrased in multiple ways can help you find an explanation that clicks for you.

  • Active Learning: Sharing your thoughts and asking (and maybe even answering) questions keeps you engaged. Just the act of forming a coherent response no matter how brief can solidify learning.

5. Tap into Available Resources

Online courses come with a wealth of resources. Don’t hesitate to use them:

  • In-School Mentor: your mentor is there to help you stay organized and on-schedule
  • Tutoring Services: If you’re struggling with a concept, seek help from tutors or peer mentors. Edmentum offers a live help function where you can meet with a qualified teacher of that subject for help with assignments. Project STEM offers forums where you can speak to Teaching assistants or crowdsource help from other students.
  • Technical Support: Reach out if you encounter any technical glitches.

6. Stay Motivated

Online learning can be challenging, but maintaining motivation is crucial:

  • Set Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller manageable steps.
  • Celebrate Progress: Reward yourself when you complete a module or achieve a goal. It can be as small as a few minutes of free time.
  • Remember Your Why: Reflect on why you enrolled in the course. It can be helpful to remember when things get tough.

7. Communicate with Your Teacher

Your teachers are there to support you. Don’t hesitate to reach out:

  • Ask Questions: If you’re unsure about something, seek clarification promptly.
  • Feedback Matters: Act on feedback provided by your teachers—it’s valuable for improvement.

Remember, online courses require dedication and hard work, but they offer immense rewards. Good Luck! 🍀

Iowa Online AP Academy (IOAPA) is a partnership between the Belin-Blank Center and the State of Iowa to provide free access to 30 advanced online courses for Iowa students. This program is for Iowa students who would otherwise be unable to find these courses offered in their school district and, therefore, reduces geographic and resource-related barriers to success. IOAPA classes include Advanced Placement® courses for high school students as well as high school-level courses for eligible middle school students.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us at with any questions.

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